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Eastát Bhaile Chonaill, An Fál Carrach, Co. Dhún na nGall

"Art in the Park"combined sculpture, music and an installation workshop to create a multi-disiplinary experience for all the family. Set in the beautiful surrounds of Ballyconnell House, Falcarragh, the Artists from Turas Úr created an immersive arts experience on July 30th from 13:00-17:00

Featuring large scale sculptures from the Turas Úr artists, a video installation piece and in a chance to be part of an interactive art experience, this free family focused event drew over a thousand participants.

Art in the Park also featured some amazing music from Ska/Reggae/Folk fusion tour de force 'Bréag', with support from local artisits Carol Wilson, Conor Mangan and Ella Fitzgerald. 

created by Robbie Matthews

All images are copyright and remin the property of the individual artists. 

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